Book Four Available Now!
The Lakeside Kids and the Covert Conspiracy
In the thrilling conclusion to the Lakeside Adventures, James and his friends spend the summer after saving the world traveling and meeting up with each other. With adventures ranging from Paris and Venice and Prague to New Orleans and Chicago and New York, the friends are inundated with the ferocity of the animosity mundanes have for wizards around the world.
When they reconvene on campus at the Lakeside Academy of Magic and Advanced Technology for their senior year, Ferni is the only one alarmed by news of potentially dire import, and the rest of them soon fall into the familiar pattern of classes and card games and fine dining. While learning interesting magics that intertwine with technology in paradigm shifting ways and being faced with innovative challenges in Battle Magic, Marissa and Bailee have to juggle a salacious sally of slander.
Then the world is shaken when a secret organization of wizards announce they are taking the entire world hostage.
The threat of wizard violence spurs the mundanes to yet further hostility, and students are given the strict admonition not to leave campus. While the world is spinning into chaos around them, their interpersonal relationships are deepening and facing new tests. As they are drawn into the conflict directly, the friends must decide whom they can trust before everyone is engulfed in the rising tensions that threaten to tear asunder the very fabric of society itself.
Available Now in Both Kindle and Paperback!
Book Three is Available Now!
The Lakeside Kids and the Approaching Apocalypse
The summer before their third year at the Lakeside Academy of Magic and Advanced Technology was rife with relational entanglements and innovative breakthroughs for James and his friends. After a summer of intense Battle Magic training, James left the Academy for the first time in years, going to visit Marissa in New York while, at the same time, Calla dropped in on Ken in LA, setting both relationships on their heads. Bailee spent the summer dallying with an older boy, a liaison that curved when her wizardry came up, and Ferni met an underclassman and soon came to realize he wasn’t the only one who thought she was cute. Meanwhile, Tomika discovered an unprecedented juxtaposition of magic and technology, revolutionizing the understanding of the relationship between the two. When they all reconvened at the Academy for their latest year of magical and technological education, the new relational dynamics put a strain on the group.
The third year at Lakeside is full of thrilling new magics and technological discoveries, but also features a quarter’s exchange, where each junior spends a quarter of the year at one of the other four American Academies. The friends split, and the experience puts their time at Lakeside into sharp relief.
On their way back to Lakeside for the rest of their year, shocking developments unfold, putting more than just their future at the Academy at risk. When this news breaks that threatens the very existence of the species, wizard and mundane alike, this group of friends at their Lakeside Academy of Magic and Advanced Technology are forced to evaluate their priorities, and the fate of the very world may hinge on what they discover about themselves.
Available Now in Both Kindle and Paperback!
Book Two is Now Available!
The Lakeside Kids and the Disturbing Disappearances
Having been disowned by his parents and having no where else to go, James had spent the summer after freshman year training at the prestigious Lakeside Academy of Magic and Advanced Technology, though he hadn’t spent all his time at lessons. When his friends return to campus for their second year, they discover just how close he’s gotten with Bailee. Will Marissa’s reaction tear the group apart?
As the school year gets underway, one of the Academy instructors disappears, which, given the tracking functionality of the indestructible and unremovable microchips implanted in every registered wizard, should be impossible. While managing their classes and learning their fabulous new magics, the friends become aware that more wizards are disappearing in the city, and at a disturbing rate. If they can’t figure out who or what is behind these disappearances, the future and safety of all of wizardkind might come crashing down.
Available Now in Both Kindle and Paperback!

Book One Is Now Available!
The Lakeside Kids and the Magical Metamorphoses
In magical America, the government implants wizards with microchips to regulate their magic and control their lives. Every citizen is tested for magical ability before high school, and those with the ability get sent to one of five specialized magical Academies.
The day James Clayden discovered he could cast magic was simultaneously the best and the worst day of his life. His family of staunch anti-magic purists disowned him and his girlfriend dumped him, but he would be attending the Lakeside Academy of Magic and Advanced Technology, the most prestigious of the five American Academies. Despite his upbringing, James had always secretly wanted to be a wizard, so he was both elated and devastated at the turn of events.
Life at the Academy surpassed all James’s expectations. His more socially competent new roommate introduced him to several other students, and they all became fast friends. The robot chefs made better food than he’d ever had in his life. The library was exhaustive, and there were magics to read an entire book in an instant. On top of everything else, there was the actual learning and casting of magic.
Things at the Academy are not all they appear to be, though, as soon one of James’s new friends is transformed into a tree through magic no one seems to know either how to cast or reverse. Soon, more students are lost to unexplained transformations, transformations they don’t survive, and James and his friends set out to figure out who or what is behind these deaths. While navigating new relationships and confronting bullies, James has to discover the cause of these deaths before he or another of his friends fall victim to whatever is happening, or, worse, the Academy is closed.